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This template describes the NpcMsgDist Event Conditions of the automacro eventMacros.
  • Description: Is checked on npc conversation messages, is true when the message matches the given regex and the distance match the given condition.
NpcMsgDist <Regex> <Math condition operators>
NpcMsgDist /please come near to me/ > 5
Set variables:
$.NpcMsgDistLastName => Saves the name of the npc which message activated NpcMsgDist
$.NpcMsgDistLastMsg => Saves the message which activated NpcMsgDist
$.NpcMsgDistLastPos => Saves the position of the npc which message activated NpcMsgDist
$.NpcMsgDistLastDist => Saves the distance to the npc which message activated NpcMsgDist
$.NpcMsgDistLastID => Saves the openkore ID of the npc which message activated NpcMsgDist