The file config.txt is the main configuration file. It is where you configure most of Kore's behavior.
Entries in this file follows two distict formats, the key-value and the block format. The key-value format is outright simple. Each line contains a configuration key as the first word, followed by the value:
<config key> <value>
The block format, on the other hand, follows the similar concept, but additional attributes enclosed in curly brackets "{ }" extend the block config option's meaning:
<config key> <value> { <attribute1> <value1> <attribute2> <value2> }
- These formats are strict. You can't use many options in one line. Curly brackets must be positioned exactly as in the example.
- <config key>
- This is one of the configuration variable names used by Kore. See the configuration list below for a list of available config variables.
- <value>
- This sets the value for the corresponding configuration variable that will be used by Kore. The type of meaningful values vary with each configuration key. The proper values for each config keys are described in the configuration list below.
- <attribute>
- These are basically the same as config keys but they are only used inside configuration blocks. These attributes define properties for the current block, as well as the conditions when the block will be used.
Note: Lines that begin with the pound sign (#) are comment lines. They are ignored by Openkore. You can also make blocks of comments by enclosing multiple lines inside /* and */.
Most of the configuration settings in this file are optional. Unless otherwise specified, you can either leave the value empty or delete the whole entry, in which case either the default value will be used (e.g disabled for boolean flags) or the option will be completely ignored.
Each unique configuration key in key-value lines must appear only once inside this file (except for !include). When multiple lines have the same config key, that configuration option takes the value set in the line that appears last.
In contrast, you can specify an unlimited number of blocks with the same configuration key name. However, not all blocks defined for a certain configuration key will always be used by Kore. When Kore is ready to use a certain type of block configuration, Kore checks each defined block from top to bottom and stops when it finds a block whose defined attributes or conditions are met. Therefore, place the more important block options on top and the lower priority ones, below.
Developer Notes
Empty by default options which are rarely needed shouldn't be added to default config. New users would be confused by them, and power users can discover them by reading this manual or source code.
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Pages in category "config.txt"
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- homunculus runFromTarget
- homunculus runFromTarget dist
- homunculus runFromTarget inAdvance
- homunculus runFromTarget maxPathDistance
- homunculus runFromTarget minStep
- homunculus runFromTarget noAttackMethodFallback
- homunculus runFromTarget noAttackMethodFallback attackMaxDist
- homunculus runFromTarget noAttackMethodFallback minStep
- homunculus StandByAuto
- homunculus tankMode
- homunculus tankModeTarget
- homunculus teleportAuto deadly
- homunculus teleportAuto dropTarget
- homunculus teleportAuto dropTargetKS
- homunculus teleportAuto hp
- homunculus teleportAuto maxDmg
- homunculus teleportAuto maxDmgInLock
- homunculus teleportAuto totalDmg
- homunculus teleportAuto totalDmgInLock
- homunculus teleportAuto unstuck
- label
- lockMap
- lockMap randX
- lockMap randY
- lockMap x
- lockMap y
- logAppendServer
- logAppendUsername
- logChat
- logConsole
- logDead
- logEmoticons
- logGuildChat
- loginPinCode
- logLocalBroadcast
- logPartyChat
- logPrivateChat
- logShop
- logSystemChat
- logToFile Debug
- logToFile Errors
- logToFile Messages
- logToFile Warnings
- macAddress
- manualURL
- master
- mercenary attack dance melee
- mercenary attack dance ranged
- mercenary attackAuto
- mercenary attackAuto considerDamagedAggressive
- mercenary attackAuto duringItemsTake
- mercenary attackAuto duringRandomWalk
- mercenary attackAuto inLockOnly
- mercenary attackAuto notInTown
- mercenary attackAuto notWhile buyAuto
- mercenary attackAuto notWhile sellAuto
- mercenary attackAuto notWhile storageAuto
- mercenary attackAuto onlyWhenSafe
- mercenary attackAuto party
- mercenary attackBeyondMaxDistance sendAttackWhileWaiting
- mercenary attackBeyondMaxDistance waitForAgressive
- mercenary attackCanSnipe
- mercenary attackChangeTarget
- mercenary attackCheckLOS
- mercenary attackDistance
- mercenary attackDistanceAuto
- mercenary attackMaxDistance
- mercenary attackMaxRouteTime
- mercenary attackNoGiveup
- mercenary attackRouteMaxPathDistance
- mercenary attackSendAttackWithMove
- mercenary attackUseWeapon
- mercenary attackWaitApproachFinish
- mercenary followDistanceMax
- mercenary followDistanceMin
- mercenary idleWalkType
- mercenary lost teleportToMaster maxTries
- mercenary moveNearWhenIdle
- mercenary moveNearWhenIdle maxDistance
- mercenary moveNearWhenIdle minDistance
- mercenary route randomWalk rescueWhenLost
- mercenary route randomWalk stopDuringAttack
- mercenary route randomWalk waitMinDistance
- mercenary route step
- mercenary runFromTarget
- mercenary runFromTarget dist
- mercenary runFromTarget inAdvance
- mercenary runFromTarget maxPathDistance
- mercenary runFromTarget minStep
- mercenary runFromTarget noAttackMethodFallback
- mercenary runFromTarget noAttackMethodFallback attackMaxDist
- mercenary runFromTarget noAttackMethodFallback minStep
- mercenary tankMode
- mercenary tankModeTarget
- mercenary teleportAuto deadly
- mercenary teleportAuto dropTarget
- mercenary teleportAuto dropTargetKS
- mercenary teleportAuto hp
- mercenary teleportAuto maxDmg
- mercenary teleportAuto maxDmgInLock
- mercenary teleportAuto totalDmg
- mercenary teleportAuto totalDmgInLock
- mercenary teleportAuto unstuck
- message length max
- minStorageZeny
- missDamage
- monster filter
- monsterLog
- monsterSkill
- relogAfterStorage
- repairAuto
- repairAuto list
- rodexMaxItems
- route avoidWalls
- route escape randomWalk
- route escape reachedNoPortal
- route escape shout
- route maxNpcTries
- route maxWarpFee
- route randomFactor
- route randomWalk
- route randomWalk inTown
- route randomWalk maxRouteTime
- route reAddMissingPortals
- route removeMissingPortals
- route removeMissingPortals NPC
- route step
- route teleport
- route teleport maxTries
- route teleport minDistance
- route teleport notInMaps
- route tryToGuessMissingPortalByDistance
- runFromTarget
- runFromTarget dist
- runFromTarget inAdvance
- runFromTarget maxPathDistance
- runFromTarget minStep
- runFromTarget noAttackMethodFallback
- runFromTarget noAttackMethodFallback attackMaxDist
- runFromTarget noAttackMethodFallback minStep
- saveMap
- saveMap warpChatCommand
- saveMap warpToBuyOrSell
- secureAdminPassword
- sellAuto
- sellAuto distance
- sellAuto maxDistance
- sellAuto npc
- sellAuto npc steps
- sellAuto standpoint
- server
- sex
- shop LockOnly
- shop random
- shop useSkill
- shop useSkill delay
- shopAuto open
- shopTitleOversize
- showAllDamage
- showDomain
- showDomain NPC
- showDomain Shop