Configuring Poseidon for twRO

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Note: You can read how Poseidon works in this article.

This article will help you run OpenKore on twRO server. The twRO server has a peculiarity: it prohibits starting the Ragnarok client with the parameter /account:poseidon.xml. It also prohibits modifying the standard clientinfo.xml file.

GameGuard protection is configured in "light mode", so you can run all components on one computer (Poseidon server, Ragnarok client, OpenKore).

Preparation stage

Сonfiguring Ragnarok Client

  1. Open data.grf (use GRF Editor [1]) and find the clientinfo.xml file. Remember the host name and port to which the Ragnarok client connect:
    poseidon clientinfo twRO.png
  2. Run notepad as administrator.
  3. Open the c:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts file (this file is hidden by defaulе).
  4. Add the following line to it:

Configuring Poseidon Server

Open the control\poseidon.txt file:

  • change the values of ragnarokserver_ip and ragnarokserver_port if necessary or use the default values
Note: this address and port is used by the Ragnarok Client to connect to the fake PoseidonRO server
  • change the values of queryserver_ip and queryserver_port if necessary or use the default values
Note: this address and port is used by the OpenKore to connect to the PoseidonRO server
  • change server_type=Default to your server. (list available at src\Poseidon\servertypes.txt)
Note: use server_type=twRO_2021-06-21 for vRO server

Example control\poseidon.txt file for twRO server:

# Ragnarok Server

# Query Server

# Server Type


Configuring OpenKore

1. Open command prompt and enter command: nslookup Remember the value of the Address parameter:

# nslookup

Non-authoritative answer:

2. Open the tables\servers.txt file:

  • make sure your server connection settings have "gameGuard 1"
  • change the value of the ip parameter to the IP-address obtained in the previous step:
[Taiwan - twRO: Sarah, Alice, Bakili, Charles, Poli]
port 6900
master_version 5
version 1
serverType twRO
serverEncoding Big5
addTableFolders twRO
charBlockSize 155
storageEncryptKey 0x050B6F79, 0x0202C179, 0x00E20120, 0x04FA43E3, 0x0179B6C8, 0x05973DF2, 0x07D8D6B, 0x08CB9ED9
gameGuard 1
charDeleteDateType 1
blockingPlayerCancel 1
rankingSystemType 1
itemListType 1
pinCode 1
field_morocc morocc-old

3. Make sure that the values of the poseidonServer and poseidonPort parameters in the control\config.txt file match to the queryserver_ip and queryserver_port values from the control\poseidon.txt file.

Launch stages

Launching a fake PoseidonRO server

  1. Start start-poseidon.exe or src\Poseidon\ from the OpenKore folder, wait for message:
    >>> Poseidon 3.0 initialized

Launching a Ragranok client

  1. Start the !Poseidon.bat file from the Ragnarok client folder.
  2. Enter any username and password (e.g. test \ test)
    poseidon StartRagexe twRO.png
    Note: in the Ragnarok client window, you should see "Poseidon server". In the Poseidon console, you should see messages that the game client has connected:
    [RagnarokServer]-> Ragnarok Online client (5) connected.
  3. Select "Poseidon service", then select the "Poseidon" player:
    poseidon SelectCharacter twRO.png
  4. You should appear in Novice Training Center and be able to see and talk with NPC. You will not be able to walk or do anything other than talking with NPC:
    MapServer vRO.png

Launching an Openkore

  1. Start OpenKore (start.exe, wxstart.exe or OpenKore must connect directly to the Ragnarok server (not to the fake Poseidon server!)
  2. In a few seconds the Ragnarok server will send a "GameGuard request". OpenKore should forward this request to the fake Poseidon server. In the Poseidon console, you should see the following messages:
[PoseidonServer]-> New Bot Client Connected : 6
[PoseidonServer]-> Received query from bot client 6
[PoseidonServer]-> Querying Ragnarok Online client [13:42:19]...
[PoseidonServer]-> Sent result to client : 6
[PoseidonServer]-> Bot Client Disconnected : 6
poseidon OpenKore twRO.png