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tables directory (GIT)

All files must be in UTF-8 without BOM with Unix line endings (LF). Almost any text editor (except Notepad) can do these conversions without problems.

Auto-generated Files

Empty in distribution, filled with information from the server on the go.

File name Purpose
monsters.txt Monster name cache
npcs.txt NPC name cache

Compatible Files

Formats compatible with files from other RO clients, except they still must be (converted) to UTF-8 etc. These files may be updated using files from other RO clients, which would resolve problem with some skill and item names displayed as "Unknown #".

File name Original file name Purpose Compiled lua name Optional
achievement_list.txt Achievement List achievement_list.lub Yes
AILMENT_id_handle.txt Ailment stateiconinfo.lub No
attendance_rewards.txt Attendance Reward List CheckAttendance.lub Yes
cities.txt mapnametable.txt Cities No
directions.txt Directions No
effects.txt Effects Yes
elements.txt Elements No
emotions.txt Emotions No
equiptypes.txt Equip Types No
haircolors.txt Hair colors No
hateffect_id_handle.txt Hat Effects List hateffectinfo.lub No
hateffect_name.txt Hat Effects Names hateffectinfo.lub Yes
headgears.txt Headgears ID accessoryid.lub, accname.lub No
item_options.txt Item Options addrandomoptionnametable.lub Yes
item_stack_limit.txt Item stack limit No
ITEMOPTION_id_handle.txt Item Options enumvar.lub Yes
items.txt idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt Item names iteminfo.lub No
itemsdescriptions.txt idnum2itemdesctable.txt Item descriptions iteminfo.lub Yes
itemslotcounttable.txt itemslotcounttable.txt Item slot counts iteminfo.lub No
itemslots.txt itemslottable.txt Item equipment slots No
itemtypes.txt Item types No
LOOK_id_handle.txt No
MAPPROPERTY_INFO_id_handle.txt No
MAPPROPERTY_TYPE_id_handle.txt No
maps.txt mapnametable.txt Map names No
MAPTYPE_id_handle.txt No
msgstringtable.txt msgstringtable.txt Miscellaneous messages Yes
packetdescriptions.txt OpenKore packet descriptions Yes
portals.txt Portals No
quests.txt questid2display.txt Quest information OngoingQuestInfoList_True.lub Yes
resnametable.txt resnametable.txt Map aliases No
skillnametable.txt skillnametable.txt Skill names skillinfolist.lub Yes
skillsdescriptions.txt skilldesctable.txt Skill descriptions skilldescript.lub Yes
skillssp.txt leveluseskillspamount.txt Skill SP costs skillinfolist.lub No
STATUS_id_handle.txt Status List efstids.lub No
statusnametable.txt Status Names stateiconinfo.lub Yes
title_name.txt Player Title titletable.lub Yes


This category has only the following subcategory.

Pages in category "tables"

The following 12 pages are in this category, out of 12 total.