Poseidon Remote

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Poseidon Remote

The Poseidon Remote is used by physical machines or virtual machines, to circumvent the incompatibility caused between the Poseidon Server and Customer Ragnarok, it is also used to acquire greater stability with the Poseidon Server, thus avoiding sudden drops in Poseidon Server. The Poseidon Remote can be used in three different ways:

  • 1 - Poseidon Remote (Through LAN), internal home network.

  • 2 - Poseidon Remote (Through Hamachi²), private network created over an internet connection.
  • Note: There are other programs that have the same functionality as Hamachi ².

  • 3 - Poseidon Remote (Through WAN), using direct IP internet or program to facilitate the connection to Dynamic IP users (the vast majority of ISPs use a dynamic IP) .
  • Note: Not yet implemented in this article.

Poseidon Remote (Through LAN)

This method is used to run Poseidon on a remote computer network LAN ("Home Network"), thus saving processing in the client machine and increasing stability.

Server Machine

Server machine is where we will run the Poseidon Server, next to the client Ragnarok.

  • 1a - On the computer that will serve as the server, Click:
Start-> Run-> Type: "cmd" (without the quotes) and press enter

Inside the Command Prompt Type: "ipconfig /all" without the quotes and type the IP address of the computer (Server).

  • 2a - On the computer that will server as the server "control /poseidon.txt" change the following line:
queryserver_ip =

Change the IP "" line queryserver_ip to the IP of the computer that connects with the server (Acquired in step 1a) .



Client Machine

The Client machine will run the Openkore (Bot).

  • 1b - On the computer that will serve as the client "control /config.txt" change the following line:

Change the IP "" line poseidonServer to the IP of the computer that connects with the server (Acquired in step '1 'a) .



The internal network is ready to connect the OpenKore through server LAN.

Poseidon Remote (Through WAN)

This method is used to run the Poseidon on a remote computer network LAN ("Home Network"), similar to the method through LAN, however this can be accessed through internet (computer External/ WAN).

Server Machine

To configure the server machine use the configuration tab in the section above, Poseidon Remote (Through LAN). You need to configure an IP Local for the Poseidon Server, as specified.

Configure Remote Access

To access your remote Poseidon you should do port forwarding if you are connecting through a modem or router. You must redirect the port configured in queryserver_port (default is 24390) for the IP configured in queryserver_ip.

This is called Port forwarding. You can get a brief definition about this at Wikipedia Port Forwarding.

For the address to configure your modem /router, just press the Windows key(flag) + R, type cmd, press the key ENTER, and in the console screen that appears enter ipconfig. The address of the modem configuration is probably Default Gateway.

Each modem/ router has its own way of configuration, so it's impossible to explain about all of them in this article.

There are several websites where you can get information about the configuration of each modem/ router:

Obtaining the external IP to connect to

To connect the Remote Poseidon using the client you should get the external IP of the server machine.

You can get this address by accessing WhatsMyIp.org. Your external IP is displayed at the top of the page. Write down this IP.

Client Machine

The client machine must use the external IP obtained in the previous step.

On the computer that will server as the client"control/config.txt" change the following line:


Change the IP "" line poseidonServer to the IP of the computer that served with the server (Obtained in the previous step).



Poseidon Remote (Through Hamachi²)

This method is used to run the Poseidon on a remote computer on the network through Hamachi² ("Private Network"), thus saving processing in the client machine and increasing stability.

Server Machine

Server machine that will run the Poseidon Server, with the Client of Ragnarok.

  • 1a - Download the Hamachi². After downloading, install and connect Hamachi².

  • 2a - Give a name to the server computer, in: System=>Preferences.

Create a network in Hamachi ², click: Network=>Create new network and give the private network a password. Note: Type the information to access the network with the IP which Hamachi² provides (usually 25.XXX.XXX.XXX)

  • 3a - Open the file located at: control/poseidon.txt and find the following line:

Change the IP "" line queryserver_ip with the IP created by Hamachi² (Acquired in step 2a).



You configured a server by using Hamachi².

Client Machine

Client machine which will run the Openkore (Bot).

  • 1b - Download the Hamachi², After downloading, install and connect Hamachi².

  • 2b - Name the client computer, in: System=>Preferences.

Enter the network created in step 2 'above, Click: Network=>Log In Existing Network'. Enter the network name and password used in step 2 above, now you will have access to the network.

  • 3b - On the computer that will serve as the client "control/config.txt" change the following line:

Change the IP "" line poseidonServer with the IP created by Hamachi² (Acquired in step 2a).


poseidonServer 25.XXX.XX.XXX

Your Poseidon Server (Through Hamachi²) is now ready to run OpenKore

ONote: Using Hamachi², the main function is to create a LAN between computers on the network, you can connect to the Poseidon Server using the settings made above. When you are in the Hamachi² network, the server machine also use the IP provided by Hamachi².