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This template describes the IsEquippedID state Conditions of the automacro eventMacros.
  • Description: Checks if the player has an item equipped which ID matches the given one.
IsEquippedID <comma separated list of pairs of equip place and ID>
IsEquippedID topHead 5055
IsEquippedID rightHand 13040, topHead 5055
IsEquippedID topHead 5055, leftHand 2112, robe 2510, shoes 2414, armor 2352, rightHand 1243
Set variables:
$.IsEquippedIDLastID => Saves the id of the last equip which made IsEquippedID become true
$.IsEquippedIDLastName => Saves the name of the last equip which made IsEquippedID become true
$.IsEquippedIDLastSlot => Saves the slot of the last equip which made IsEquippedID become true
$.IsEquippedIDLastListIndex => Saves the index in the condition list of the last equip which made IsEquippedID become true