Notes for updating to OpenKore 2.1.
TODO: add this file to distribution?
Official servers
Official servers now have their own serverTypes, which update according to corresponding server (instead of updating servers.txt on server update).
Default servers.txt
is already configured for official servers, so just use it if you play on officials.
Private servers
Private servers are not included anymore, because this information quickly becomes outdated and nobody keeps it up to date. Most likely, you need to use new kRO serverTypes tree.
Skill and status name changes
Now you can use skill and status handles (like AL_HEAL
) instead of skill names, or both in the same time (in form of Heal (AL_HEAL)
- in this case only handle is currently used). You will need this for mercenary skills that have the same name with some skills of your character - such as Provoke (MER_PROVOKE). If you have trouble with skill names, check console command skills - it suggest forms you can use in config. Another useful outcome is that this configuration will be independent of localizations and name changes, as handles most likely will not be changed ever.
Localized tables
By default, official servers will use corresponding included table sets with localized items, skills, statuses etc. If you will decide to use these, you most likely will need to rewrite names of items, skills and statuses in your control files.
Default table set was changed. If you don't like it, you can use iRO table set (which resembles pre-2.1 default table set).
If you want to use exact control files which you used with previous releases of OpenKore (pre-2.1), set locale_compat 1 in sys.txt (or manually select "Old" table set). Maybe in future there will be support for multiple table sets or some converting tool.
You can always specify which table set(s) to use with command line argument `--tables`.
Unknown packets
(TODO: about unknown/unhandled packets messages)
New features
- captcha in login sequence (as on kRO)
- follow instructions when encountered
- self condition:
- target player condition:
- remote party request - console command:
party request <player name>
- pet - console command:
pet {c[apture] | h[atch] | s[tatus] | i[nfo] | f[eed] | p[erformance] | r[eturn] | u[nequip] | n[ame] <name>}
- quests - console command:
quest {list | info <ID> | set <ID> {on | off} }
- cooking - console command:
cook <index>
- refining - console command:
refine <item name or index>
- show player equipment - console command:
showeq {me {on | off} | p <player partial name or index>}
- kill homunculus - console command:
homun fire
- battleground chat - console command:
bg <text>
- portal compilator on init behaviour - config option:
portalCompile -1|0|1
- use skill on slave - console command:
Other updates
- cities.txt updated
- devotion messages now have their own domain, allowing to squelch them
- autoBreakTime and state.yml generation moved to plugins
Known problems
- idRO support is broken due to server protection
Bug reporting
TODO (something about server updates which break something too?)
Further updating