Server Code |
Description |
Vendor |
Protection |
Supporter |
aRO |
Asia RO |
GNJoy |
CheatDefender |
N/A |
Not botable
bRO |
Brazil RO |
WarpPortal Brazil |
N/A |
Not botable
cRO |
China RO |
Qiquanwl/GNJoy? |
nProtect |
alisonrag |
euRO Prime |
Europe RO (Renewal, like Transcendence) |
4Games |
Frost Security |
ya4ept |
Botable (paid only)
iRO Renewal |
International RO (Renewal) |
WarpPortal USA |
N/A |
Not botable
idRO |
Indonesia RO |
GNJoy |
nProtect |
N/A |
Not botable (need to check)
idRO-Retro |
Indonesia RO (Retro) |
GNJoy |
nProtect |
N/A |
Not botable (need to check)
jRO |
Japan RO |
GungHo |
nProtect |
N/A |
Need Verification
kRO |
Korea RO |
GNJoy |
nProtect |
alisonrag |
kRO-Zero |
Korea RO Zero |
GNJoy |
nProtect |
alisonrag |
ruRO Prime |
Russia RO (Renewal, like Transcendence) |
4Games |
Frost Security |
ya4ept |
Botable (paid only)
tRO |
Thailand RO |
GNJoy |
N/A |
Not botable
tRO-Classic |
Thailand RO (Classic) |
GNJoy |
N/A |
Not botable
twRO |
Taiwan RO |
GNJoy |
CheatDefender |
N/A |
Not botable
vRO |
Vietnam RO |
VTCgame |
nProtect |
N/A |
Not botable
Obs: Sometimes "Not botable", don't mean that openkore don't have support to the server, in some cases you need to bypass the anti-cheat to make it work