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I want to bot on official servers I want to bot on private servers
Status of botting on Official Servers
Server Code Description Vendor Protection Supporter Status
aRO (Baphomet) Asia RO GNJoy CheatDefender N/A Not botable
bRO Brazil RO WarpPortal Brazil EAC N/A Not botable
cRO China RO Taren Network nProtect alisonrag Botable with Poseidon
euRO Prime Europe RO (Renewal, like Transcendence) 4Games Frost Security ya4ept Botable (paid only)
iRO (Сhaos/Thor/Freya) International RO (Renewal) WarpPortal USA EAC N/A Not botable
idRO Classic Indonesia RO (Classic) GNJoy nProtect N/A Botable with Poseidon
idRO Retro Indonesia RO (Retro) GNJoy nProtect N/A Not botable (need to check)
idRO Yggdrasil Indonesia RO (Forever Love) GNJoy EAC N/A Not botable
jRO Japan RO GungHo nProtect N/A Not botable (need to check)
kRO Korea RO GNJoy nProtect alisonrag Botable Poseidon
kRO-Zero Korea RO Zero GNJoy nProtect alisonrag Botable with Poseidon
ruRO Prime Russia RO (Renewal, like Transcendence) 4Games Frost Security ya4ept Botable (paid only)
tRO (Chaos/Thor) Thailand RO (Online) GNJoy nProtect N/A Not botable (need to check)
tRO (Baphomet) Thailand RO (Classic) GNJoy nProtect N/A Not botable (need to check)
tRO (Baphomet) Thailand RO (Landverse) GNJoy ??? N/A Not botable (need to check)
twRO Taiwan RO GNJoy CheatDefender N/A Not botable

Obs: Sometimes "Not botable", don't mean that openkore don't have support to the server, in some cases you need to bypass the anti-cheat to make it work

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