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(lists are incomplete)
Console Commands
- help - console commands help
- a - attack a certain monster; toggle autoattack
- ai - toggle, view and control AI
- aiv - show AI sequences
- al - show your shop status
- arrowcraft - (using Archer's Arrow Crafting skill)
- as - stop attacking current monster
- au - auction
- auth - authorize/unathorize chat command users
- autobuy, autosell, autostorage - initiate corresponding AI sequence
- look, lookp, bangbang, bingbing, doridori - body/head turn
- buy, sell - buy / sell items via NPCs
- store - list of NPC items to buy
- c, pm, g, p - talk in public / private / guild / party chat
- pml - show quick PM list
- card - merge cards with slotted items
- cart - cart
- chat - chatrooms
- chist - chat log history
- cil - clear the item log
- cl - clear the chat log
- testshop, openshop, closeshop - test / open / close your shop
- conf, timeout - show and set config.txt / timeouts.txt options
- cook - cooking
- damage - taken damage report
- deal, dl - deal
- debug - debug options
- take / drop - take / drop an item
- dump, dumpnow - save received packets buffer and quit / don't quit
- e - emotions
- move, follow, east, west, north, south, northeast, northwest, southeast, southwest - movement
- eq, uneq - equip / unequip items
- eval - evaluate perl expression (use only if you know what you are doing)
- exp - expirience, kills, inventory report
- pecopeco - Knight's Peco Peco
- falcon - Hunter's Falcon
- friend - friend list
- guild - guild
- homun, merc - homunculus / mercenary
- i - show inventory
- identify - identify items after using Magnifier or Item Appraisal
- repair - repair an item using Blacksmith's Weapon Repair
- refine - refine an item using Mastersmith's Upgrade Weapon
- ignore - /ex, /exall
- il - show items on ground
- ihist - item log history
- is, ip, im - use item on yourself / player / monster
- ss, sp, sm, sl - use skill on yourself / player / monster / location
- kill - attack a certain player (PvP)
- m - mail
- memo - /memo for Acolyte's Warp Portal
- warp - open a warp using Acolyte's Warp Portal
- pl, ml, nl, portals, spells, vl sll, petl - show list of players / monsters / NPCs / portals / AoE effects / vending shops / homunculi&mercenaries / pets
- party - party
- plugin - plugins
- quest - quests
- reload, rc - reload controls and tables / OpenKore modules
- switchconf - switch to a certain alternative config.txt
- relog - disconnect and connect again
- s, st - show your status / stats
- send - send a raw data to the server
- se - show a certain player's equipment
- sit, stand - sit / stand
- skills - your skills
- stat_add - level up your stats
- storage - storage
- talk, talknpc - talk with NPCs
- tank - tank for a certain player
- tele - teleport to a random location using Fly Wing or Acolyte's / Creamy's Teleport
- respawn - return to your save point after death, or using Buttefly Wing or Acolyte's Teleport
- top10 - show Alchemist's, Blacksmith's, TaeKwon's and PvP ratings
- vender - show and buy from other player's vends
- verbose - toggle verbose mode
- version - show OpenKore version
- weight - your weight capacity
- where - show current map and location
- whoami - show current account and character
Things that possible to automate with OpenKore without any plugins (and macros)
Your character
- stick to a certain map (and move to it if needed) - set it to map where you want to bot
- follow a certain character - for organizing bot parties, buffers etc
- level up your character's stats according to a certain plan
- sit to regen hp / sp when they are low
- and move first to a certain point when regenerating after death - to be less suspicious
- share party experience
- forbid incoming private messages (/exall)
- cancel / accept incoming deals
- cancel incoming guild requests
- wander around when there is nothing to do - possibly finding what to do as a result
- teleport (via items or skill - with / without sp consumption) when
- there is nothing to do - allows to search monsters with teleport
- receiving damage which could kill you
- attacked while sitting
- respawn / disconnect / do nothing when died
- disconnect when
- leveled to certain base / job level
- received private message
- use certain items (on yourself) on certain conditions
- equip certain items
- pick up
- loots from your or your party's monsters
- all encountered items
- buy / sell certain items via NPCs
- retrieve / store certain items via your Kafra storage (possibly password protected or opening it with chat command)
- move certain items to / from your cart
- vend certain items using Merchant's Vending skill
- craft arrows using Archer's Arrow Crafting skill
- disconnect and quit when
- use certain skills on
- level up your character's skills according to a certain plan
- choose any item in Blacksmith's Weapon Repair
- choose a certain skill in Sage's Hindsight
- automatically attack monsters
- aggressively
- who have looted something
- who are in fight with your follow target / your party
- through snipable walls and cliffs
- choose which to attack first if there are many kinds
- without using basic weapon attack - if you want to attack with skills only, useful for Mages
- change your target to another agressive monster if it's closer
- but do not attack monsters
- teleport when
- equip certain items and use certain attack distance and attack method when attacking certain monsters
- teleport / disconnect and quit when encountering / taking damage from certain monsters
- reply with predefined messages to
- teleport when encountering any / certain players
- disconnect and reconnect on certain times
- disconnect when
- respawn / disconnect when you are outside of certain maps
- feed your homunculus
- disconnect when
- autoRestart
- aliases: custom shortcuts for console
- timeouts: increase efficiency / look less like a bot
- route weights make bot "dislike" certain maps when calculating a route
- do not assume to re-enter login if server says it's invalid (for buggy official servers)
Other features
- doCommand - automatically use console commands on certain conditions
- Macro plugin - use simple programming to write macros (scripts for automating your actions)
- Wx Interface - graphical user interface (includes standard OpenKore console)
- XKore - merge bot and ragnarok client in different ways